Freedom Event, Aug. 29, 2021 By Beatrijs M.C.H. Penn This morning the clip of Eric Clapton was posted on entitled “This Gotta Stop”; perfect timing. To end the medical ‘Covid’ tyranny, we ourselves must end the inner dependence to expect that there will be a savior from the outside in any kind of form […]
Health Measures or Tyrann...
Health Measures or Tyrannical Measures at the Borders of Canada? By Beatrijs M.C.H. Penn “Those who have the privilege to know have the moral duty to act” — Albert Einstein What happened with the call of John Ralston Saul to the Canadian Government and the citizens of Canada to deeply acknowledge the roots of Canada’s […]
Breast Cancer Awareness M...
October 23, 2020: “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”, originated by AstraZeneca By Beatrijs M.C.H.Penn In GreenMedInfo of October 23, 2020 an interesting article was posted by Sayer Ji [1]. He lays out the deceit of AstraZeneca in promoting this ’Breast Cancer Awareness Month’ in 1985, a smart scam of perception-deception, because actually their two blockbusters Tamoxifen […]
Are there any health bene...
Are there any health benefits for patients with cancer from Mainstream Medicine’s and Big Pharma’s ‘cancer treatments’? By Beatrijs M. C. H. Penn The widely prescribed ‘treatments’ for cancer are chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Chemotherapy and radiation are also given in a ‘sandwich’ method such as chemo-radiation-chemo or radiation-chemo-radiation. Patients are mostly in shock […]
Short History of Western ...
Short History of Western Medicine By Beatrijs M. C. H. Penn When one understands the history about certain phenomena, issues that play out today in 2020 make more sense, and new choices can be made to move forward and take personal responsibility for one’s health and freedoms. This article will show you why natural healing […]
Cancer Diagnoses Drop by ...
Cancer Diagnoses Drop by Nearly Half During Covid-19 By Beatrijs M. C. H. Penn It is totally understandable that the number of Cancer Diagnoses dropped during Covid -19 because most of the efforts of the hospitals were directed to the expected masses of Covid -19 patients. There was less testing done for Cancer diagnoses, […]
What is Codex?The origins of CodexPublished: 02 December 2016 The Codex Alimentarius Commission, based in Rome, Italy, and created in 1963, is an international organization jointly run by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations. One of its 27 committees, the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for […]
The Importance of Canada
Natural Health Products U...
Intravenous Hydrogen Pero...
INTRAVENOUS HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: THE 100-YEAR-OLD CURE FOR COVID -19 By Heidi Osterman, CN There is a simple, safe solution for COVID-19. The choices are not limited to the two terrible scenarios of (1) Allowing the ill to die so that we all gain natural immunity for life, or (2) Trying to lock down the World […]