What is the NHF?

The National Health Federation is the World’s first health-freedom organization—and the ONLY one able to speak, submit scientific research, and actively shape global policy at international meetings of Codex Alimentarius, which means “food code” in Latin. NHF protects the health and health freedom of 7 billion people on the Planet.

Welcome to The National Health Federation 

Codex Alimentarius & Health Freedom NHF

Do Not Fear Cancer Tumors

Cancer, What is It? How Does One Reverse Cancer Tumors Without the Need for Mainstream Invasive Treatments? By Beatrijs M.C.H....

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October 23, 2020: “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”, originated by AstraZeneca By Beatrijs M.C.H.Penn In GreenMedInfo of October 23, 2020 an...

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The National Health Federation leads in the fight for the future of health freedom!


The NHF is an international consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to protect individuals’ rights to consume healthy food, take supplements and the choice to use alternative therapies without unnecessary government restrictions.



NHF envisions a World free of any and all artificial impediments to securing and retaining excellent, abundant health and health freedom. Individuals should be free to choose for themselves their own means of maintaining and regaining optimal health.


NHF, together with health-freedom friends and colleagues throughout the World, vows to change and save lives through our uniquely leveraged position on the international political stage impacting food, nutritional supplements, and healing.

Other National Health Federations Branches